Name | Version | Author | Description | Type |
DWall | 1.4 | sebkinne | Display's Plaintext HTTP URLs, Cookies, POST DATA, and images from browsing clients. | GUI |
EvilPortal | 3.2 | newbi3 | An Evil Captive Portal. | GUI |
SSLsplit | 1.5 | whistlemaster | (FW2.5.4 or below) Perform man-in-the-middle attacks using SSLsplit | GUI |
Deauth | 1.7 | whistlemaster | Deauthentication attacks of all devices connected to APs nearby | GUI |
SiteSurvey | 1.6 | whistlemaster | WiFi site survey | GUI |
nmap | 1.9 | whistlemaster | GUI for security scanner nmap | GUI |
wps | 1.7 | whistlemaster | WPS brute force attack using Reaver, Bully and Pixiewps | GUI |
Occupineapple | 1.7 | whistlemaster | Broadcast spoofed WiFi SSIDs | GUI |
PortalAuth | 2.0 | sud0nick | Captive portal cloner and payload distributor. | GUI |
Status | 1.5 | whistlemaster | Display status information of the device | GUI |
tcpdump | 1.8 | whistlemaster | Dump traffic on network using tcpdump | GUI |
RandomRoll | 1.2 | foxtrot | This module allows you to troll unsuspecting clients connected to your WiFi Pineapple. | GUI |
urlsnarf | 1.9 | whistlemaster | Output all requested URLs sniffed from http traffic using urlsnarf | GUI |
DNSspoof | 1.7 | whistlemaster | Forge replies to arbitrary DNS queries using DNSspoof | GUI |
SignalStrength | 1.0 | r3dfish | Displays signal strength for wireless cells that are within range. Can be used to physically locate cells. | GUI |
Cabinet | 1.1 | newbi3 | A file manager for the Web Interface | GUI |
OnlineHashCrack | 1.5 | whistlemaster | Submit Hash and WPA Handshake to web service | GUI |
ConnectedClients | 1.4 | r3dfish | Shows currently connected clients, DHCP leases and blacklist management. | GUI |
Responder | 1.2 | whistlemaster | LLMNR, NBT-NS and MDNS poisoner with built-in HTTP, SMB, MSSQL, FTP and LDAP rogue authentication server using Responder | GUI |
Papers | 2.0 | sud0nick | A TLS/SSL and SSH certificate generator/manager. | GUI |
p0f | 1.3 | whistlemaster | Passive traffic fingerprinting using p0f | GUI |
DNSMasqSpoof | 1.2 | whistlemaster | Forge replies to arbitrary DNS queries using DNSMasq | GUI |
LogManager | 1.4 | whistlemaster | Manage all modules logs | GUI |
HackRF | 1.4 | foxtrot | HackRF on the WiFi Pineapple | GUI |
get | 1.2 | dustbyter | Profile clients through the browser plugins supported by their browser | GUI |
CursedScreech | 1.6 | sud0nick | Securely control compromised systems. | GUI |
MACInfo | 1.3 | DJEngineer | Lookup information on MAC Addresses | GUI |
autossh | 1.2 | audibleblink | Persistent SSH connections | GUI |
ngrep | 1.7 | whistlemaster | Match data part of packets on the network using ngrep | GUI |
LEDController | 1.3 | foxtrot | This module allows you to control LEDs. | GUI |
dump1090 | 1.2 | whistlemaster | Track aircraft ADS-B beacons with RTS-SDR using dump1090 | GUI |
Meterpreter | 1.1 | audibleblink | meterpreter configuration utility | GUI |
KeyManager | 1.1 | whistlemaster | SSH Key Manager | GUI |
ModemManager | 1.1 | foxtrot | 3G and 4G Modem Manager | GUI |
Themes | 1.3 | trashbo4t | Create, download, and share custom themes | GUI |
base64encdec | 1.0 | dustbyter | Base64 encoder and decoder | GUI |
OpenVPNConnect | 1.3 | 3ndG4me | OpenVPN Connection Utility | GUI |
ModuleMaker | 1.0 | foxtrot | An easy way to generate modules. | GUI |
HTTPProxy | 1.0 | Malduhaymi | HTTP Proxy | GUI |
APITokens | 1.2 | tesla | Create and delete API tokens on the WiFi Pineapple | GUI |
tor | 1.0 | catatonicprime | Connect device to tor network, manage hidden services, etc. | GUI |
Locate | 1.0 | trashbo4t | geolocate IP addresses over HTTPS via ipapi | GUI |
Commander | 2.1 | foxtrot | Control the Pineapple via IRC | GUI |
SSIDManager | 1.0 | noncenz | Manage SSID Pools for PineAP | GUI |
InternetSpeedTest | 1.0 | trashbo4t | Test the download and upload speed of the network shared to your pineapple | GUI |
Name | Version | Author | Description | Type |
DWall | 1.4 | sebkinne | Display's Plaintext HTTP URLs, Cookies, POST DATA, and images from browsing clients. | GUI |
EvilPortal | 3.2 | newbi3 | An Evil Captive Portal. | GUI |
Deauth | 1.7 | whistlemaster | Deauthentication attacks of all devices connected to APs nearby | GUI |
SiteSurvey | 1.6 | whistlemaster | WiFi site survey | GUI |
Meterpreter | 1.1 | audibleblink | meterpreter configuration utility | GUI |
SSLsplit | 1.5 | whistlemaster | (FW2.5.4 or below) Perform man-in-the-middle attacks using SSLsplit | GUI |
get | 1.2 | dustbyter | Profile clients through the browser plugins supported by their browser | GUI |
nmap | 1.9 | whistlemaster | GUI for security scanner nmap | GUI |
wps | 1.7 | whistlemaster | WPS brute force attack using Reaver, Bully and Pixiewps | GUI |
Occupineapple | 1.7 | whistlemaster | Broadcast spoofed WiFi SSIDs | GUI |
Status | 1.5 | whistlemaster | Display status information of the device | GUI |
PortalAuth | 2.0 | sud0nick | Captive portal cloner and payload distributor. | GUI |
SignalStrength | 1.0 | r3dfish | Displays signal strength for wireless cells that are within range. Can be used to physically locate cells. | GUI |
tcpdump | 1.8 | whistlemaster | Dump traffic on network using tcpdump | GUI |
urlsnarf | 1.9 | whistlemaster | Output all requested URLs sniffed from http traffic using urlsnarf | GUI |
DNSspoof | 1.7 | whistlemaster | Forge replies to arbitrary DNS queries using DNSspoof | GUI |
ConnectedClients | 1.4 | r3dfish | Shows currently connected clients, DHCP leases and blacklist management. | GUI |
RandomRoll | 1.2 | foxtrot | This module allows you to troll unsuspecting clients connected to your WiFi Pineapple. | GUI |
OnlineHashCrack | 1.5 | whistlemaster | Submit Hash and WPA Handshake to web service | GUI |
Responder | 1.2 | whistlemaster | LLMNR, NBT-NS and MDNS poisoner with built-in HTTP, SMB, MSSQL, FTP and LDAP rogue authentication server using Responder | GUI |
Cabinet | 1.1 | newbi3 | A file manager for the Web Interface | GUI |
HackRF | 1.4 | foxtrot | HackRF on the WiFi Pineapple | GUI |
p0f | 1.3 | whistlemaster | Passive traffic fingerprinting using p0f | GUI |
MACInfo | 1.3 | DJEngineer | Lookup information on MAC Addresses | GUI |
DNSMasqSpoof | 1.2 | whistlemaster | Forge replies to arbitrary DNS queries using DNSMasq | GUI |
LogManager | 1.4 | whistlemaster | Manage all modules logs | GUI |
Papers | 2.0 | sud0nick | A TLS/SSL and SSH certificate generator/manager. | GUI |
CursedScreech | 1.6 | sud0nick | Securely control compromised systems. | GUI |
autossh | 1.2 | audibleblink | Persistent SSH connections | GUI |
ngrep | 1.7 | whistlemaster | Match data part of packets on the network using ngrep | GUI |
dump1090 | 1.2 | whistlemaster | Track aircraft ADS-B beacons with RTS-SDR using dump1090 | GUI |
Themes | 1.3 | trashbo4t | Create, download, and share custom themes | GUI |
KeyManager | 1.1 | whistlemaster | SSH Key Manager | GUI |
LEDController | 1.3 | foxtrot | This module allows you to control LEDs. | GUI |
ModemManager | 1.1 | foxtrot | 3G and 4G Modem Manager | GUI |
HTTPProxy | 1.0 | Malduhaymi | HTTP Proxy | GUI |
OpenVPNConnect | 1.3 | 3ndG4me | OpenVPN Connection Utility | GUI |
Locate | 1.0 | trashbo4t | geolocate IP addresses over HTTPS via ipapi | GUI |
base64encdec | 1.0 | dustbyter | Base64 encoder and decoder | GUI |
SSIDManager | 1.0 | noncenz | Manage SSID Pools for PineAP | GUI |
tor | 1.0 | catatonicprime | Connect device to tor network, manage hidden services, etc. | GUI |
ModuleMaker | 1.0 | foxtrot | An easy way to generate modules. | GUI |
APITokens | 1.2 | tesla | Create and delete API tokens on the WiFi Pineapple | GUI |
InternetSpeedTest | 1.0 | trashbo4t | Test the download and upload speed of the network shared to your pineapple | GUI |
Commander | 2.1 | foxtrot | Control the Pineapple via IRC | GUI |
Name | Version | Author | Description | Type |
sslstrip | 2.2 | whistlemaster | sslstrip interface | GUI |
deauth | 2.4 | whistlemaster | WiFi DoS with Aireplay-ng or Mdk3 | GUI |
sitesurvey | 2.1 | whistlemaster | WiFi Site Survey | GUI |
tcpdump | 1.7 | whistlemaster | tcpdump interface | GUI |
urlsnarf | 2.0 | whistlemaster | urlsnarf interface | GUI |
dnsspoof | 1.8 | whistlemaster | dnsspoof interface | GUI |
nmap | 1.7 | whistlemaster | nmap interface | GUI |
ettercap | 1.7 | whistlemaster | ettercap interface | GUI |
status | 1.5 | whistlemaster | Pineapple Status | GUI |
wps | 2.1 | whistlemaster | WPS brute force attack interface for Reaver, Bully and Pixiewps | GUI |
evilportal | 2.4 | newbi3 | A UI for NoDogSplash Captive Portal | GUI |
strip-n-inject | 1.2 | leg3nd | Strip SSL and inject HTML code. | GUI |
randomroll | 1.3 | foxtrot | Choose rolls like Nyan Cat to annoy unsuspecting targets. | GUI |
pineapplestats | 1.4 | whistlemaster | WiFi network passive scanner with web based dashboard | GUI |
occupineapple | 1.9 | whistlemaster | Occupineapple based on Darren Kitchen concept | GUI |
trapcookies | 1.7 | whistlemaster | Trapcookies based on D4rkOperat0r concept | GUI |
opkgmanager | 1.3 | whistlemaster | OPKG Manager | GUI |
monitor | 1.5 | whistlemaster | Monitor bandwidth usage on all interfaces | GUI |
connectedclients | 1.3 | r3dfish | Shows currently connected clients, DHCP leases and blacklist management. | GUI |
sslsplit | 1.3 | whistlemaster | sslsplit interface | GUI |
meterpreter | 1.1 | hak5darren | Requires firmware 2.4.0 | GUI |
blackout | 1.3 | newbi3 | Control your LEDs | GUI |
wifimanager | 2.2 | whistlemaster | WiFi Manager | GUI |
logcheck | 1.4 | whistlemaster | Monitor logs on pineapple | GUI |
get | 1.4 | dustbyter | Profile clients through the browser plugins supported by their browser | GUI |
p0f | 1.4 | whistlemaster | passive traffic fingerprinting with p0f | GUI |
portalauth | 2.9 | sud0nick | Captive portal cloner and payload distributor. | GUI |
adsbtracker | 1.4 | hak5darren | Track aircraft ADS-B beacons with your WiFi Pineapple and compatible Software Defined Radio. Front end for dump1090. Works with RTL-SDR. Requires firmware 1.1.1+ | GUI |
arping | 1.0 | computerchris | GUI for the Linux ARPing utility. ARPing sends out ARP requests. | GUI |
torgateway | 1.1 | kos | Turns br-lan into a tor gateway. (added pineapple.lan so you can access the pineapple) | GUI |
notify | 1.4 | whistlemaster | Notification script (Push, Email) | GUI |
nbtscan | 1.1 | newbi3 | A UI for nbtscan (netbios) | GUI |
ardronepwn | 1.0 | hak5darren | AR.Drone Seek and Destroy script. Connects to nearby AR.Drones and sends program kill command by telnet. | CLI |
bobthebuilder | 1.0 | newbi3 | Tools to make and manage web pages | GUI |
rtlradiostreamer | 1.0 | phpsystems | Stream radio from your rtl-sdr via the wifi pineapple | GUI |
phials | 1.0 | whistlemaster | Infusions Management script | CLI |
datalocker | 1.3 | newbi3 | Encrypt files with AES 128/256 | GUI |
dipstatus | 1.0 | whistlemaster | DIP status script | CLI |
dnschanger | 1.2 | bugs | This allows you to easily change your Pineapple's DNS settings. | GUI |
connect | 1.1 | sympak | A client mode WiFi manager script | CLI |
base64encdec | 1.1 | dustbyter | Base64 encoder and decoder | GUI |
delorean | 1.0 | sildaekar | Allows for NTP man in the middle attacks. | CLI |
crafty | 1.1 | sud0nick | An interface for hping3. | GUI |
Name | Version | Author | Description |
sslstrip | 2.9 | whistlemaster | sslstrip interface |
networkmanager | 1.9 | whistlemaster | Network Manager |
deauth | 3.1 | whistlemaster | WiFi DoS |
mitm | 1.3 | whistlemaster | Man-in-the-middle interface |
urlsnarf | 2.8 | whistlemaster | urlsnarf interface |
sitesurvey | 2.6 | whistlemaster | WiFi Site Survey |
randomroll | 3.2 | petertfm | Rick, Nyan, Rainbow, PBJ, Afro, Trololo, Tubes, BSoD and Rick Trap 2.7 UP |
dnsspoof | 1.6 | whistlemaster | dnsspoof interface |
reaver | 0.4 | hackrylix | Reaver module |
tcpdump | 2.4 | whistlemaster | tcpdump interface |
nmap | 2.4 | whistlemaster | nmap interface |
status | 1.4 | whistlemaster | Pineapple Status |
ettercap | 1.5 | whistlemaster | ettercap interface |
opkgmanager | 2.3 | whistlemaster | OPKG Manager |
uwui | 1.0 | whistlemaster | New Web Interface for Hacking Functionalities by Moriarty |
keylogger | 1.1 | whistlemaster | A JS keylogger injected via a proxy. 2.7.5 and up. |
occupineapple | 1.6 | whistlemaster | Occupineapple based on Darren Kitchen concept |
logcheck | 2.3 | whistlemaster | Monitor logs on pineapple |
monitor | 2.3 | whistlemaster | Monitor bandwidth usage on all interfaces |
button | 2.5 | whistlemaster | Change WPS button behaviour |
blacklister | 2.7 | petertfm | Black/White listing for MACs and SSIDs. |
get | 2.3 | dustbyter | Module to get information about client connecting. Information includes plugins installed in browser. |
eviljava | 2.4 | dustbyter | This infusion enables to send a malicious signed jar that loads and opens a metasploit connection back to your listener. |
bartender | 2.2 | sebkinne | Module creator |
trapcookies | 1.0 | whistlemaster | Trapcookies based on D4rkOperat0r concept |
iptools | 1.1 | computerchris | This Infusion was created to make subnetting easier. The next release will have more features. |
smser | 1.1 | newbi3 | Control your pineapple with a text message. |